Thermal insulation systems

Thermal insulation systems

Thermal insulation systems

There are many methods of insulation, the most important of which is thermal insulation systems, as it is done using certain materials that protect the building.

As it helps in greatly reducing the influence of external and internal factors that negatively affect the comfort of its users.

Homes and facilities need insulation, so that they are largely protected from some of the factors that affect concrete, the most important of which is rainwater, which greatly negatively affects concrete.

In addition, humidity and other factors are the most important causes of damage to the installations, so it was necessary to devise a ball to preserve the installations.

Hence the idea of ​​insulation systems came from, as it varies, there are:

Acoustic insulation.
thermal insulation.
In this article, we will learn in some detail about thermal insulation systems, how to apply them, and what are their benefits.

Thermal insulation systems
The construction sector has witnessed a great development in the field of construction, the most important of which is reinforced concrete works, which are characterized by ease of work and great durability.

Despite the importance of these materials that are used in concrete, there are some hiccups that accompany that concrete.

Reinforced concrete has the property of rapid heat conduction, as well as its rapid loss, so we find that buildings in winter time are very cold.

Likewise, in summer, as temperatures rise, we always complain about the extreme heat of reinforced concrete.

For this, it was necessary to have an idea that would prevent the delivery of heat and cold inside homes and buildings.

Hence the idea of ​​thermal insulation of installations, which we will get to know in detail, but after learning about what thermal insulation systems are, let us explain its definition in some detail.

Definition of thermal insulation:

It is the use of some materials that have some heat-insulating properties, which greatly help in reducing heat leakage and transfer.
As it prevents heat from entering the building in the summer, and preventing it from leaving outside in the winter.
It can also be said that thermal insulation is to significantly preserve body heat from any external influences.
The thermal insulation of buildings, as we mentioned, prevents the transfer of heat from inside the building to outside in the winter, as well as from outside to inside in the summer.
But before we get acquainted with the advantages of using thermal insulation significantly, let us first explain what types of heat penetrates into buildings, and based on which thermal insulation systems are used.

It is possible to divide the heat entering the building, in which the air conditioners are used, and otherwise to remove it into 3 different types.

Heat penetrating walls and ceilings.
Heat entering through windows.
And finally, the heat that is transmitted through the natural ventilation holes in buildings.
The temperature ratio in buildings varies widely.

The percentage of heat that enters the building through walls and ceilings in summer days is estimated at 60-70%.
As for the heat that comes from the windows and the vents, the remainder is roughly estimated.
In addition, the percentage of electrical energy that is consumed in the summer to cool buildings is estimated at 66% of the electric energy.
Therefore, we perform the thermal insulation process to reduce the consumption of electrical energy that is used for air conditioning purposes as much as possible.

After we learned about what thermal insulation systems are, why they are used, and what types of heat are entered into buildings, let us know the most important advantages of using thermal insulation.

Advantages of using thermal insulation
We also mentioned that thermal insulation is of great importance, so it was important to mention its most important advantages in detail, the most important of which are the following:

Thermal insulation greatly helps in saving electrical energy.
In addition, many scientific experiments have proven that the application of thermal insulation in government facilities, buildings and commercial establishments, helps reduce electrical energy consumption at great rates that may reach about 40%.
Also, thermal insulation greatly helps buildings and facilities maintain their appropriate temperatures for a long time.
The thermal insulation systems help greatly in reducing the operation of air conditioners for long periods of time.
Thus, the thermal insulation reduces the costs of energy consumption and the devices used significantly.
One of the most important features of thermal insulation is that it helps greatly in raising the level of comfort for the users of the buildings in which they are located.
But let's get to know some ways to choose the most suitable thermal insulation materials.