Types of waterproofing and moisture insulation materials and their damages 2022

Types of waterproofing and moisture insulation materials and their damages 2022

Types of waterproofing and moisture insulation materials and their damages 2022


Looking for waterproofing and its types? To protect your home and infrastructure from damage! Do you suffer when entering the winter from leakage in the ceilings and moisture in the walls or even drops of water seeping into your home, it is better for you to insulate the roof of your home so that you do not suffer in the future from the effects of leakage, waterproofing is not limited to insulating surfaces only, but it can Also insulating water tanks or swimming pools, in this article on the website of the specialist contracting we will discuss all your questions about waterproofing, its types and methods of insulation.

What are the types of waterproofing?

For a long time, residents of the last floors often think about choosing the best type of roof waterproofing to protect them from moisture and water damage.

Two of the most common methods of waterproofing roofs were:

Positive waterproofing:

It is one of the most common methods, this type of insulation is done by creating small watercourses or pipes in which water seeps, this water is often used for positive things such as watering a home garden or watering young seedlings.

This method is considered environmentally friendly, but it is a primitive method that is not suitable when buildings are damaged as a result of water leakage and moisture. It is necessary to resort to the most effective insulation methods.

Passive waterproofing:

It is by coating the other side of the water leakage site with insulating materials, but it is a method of little use and is not used unless there are reasons that prevent the implementation of the positive isolation method.

What are waterproofing materials?

The waterproofing has many materials that are used to carry out the waterproofing process, and they are divided into natural materials and chemicals, and we will explain these materials through the following:

The natural materials are:

There are many natural materials that are used in waterproofing, and these materials are as follows:

1- Tar or diesel or what is known as (bituminous):

Its use is relatively old and simple, and it is derived from petroleum and poured on the roofs, so the water is very well isolated and the building is protected.

2- Metal panels:

There are many types of them such as lead plates, iron, aluminum, stainless steel and other types of metals. This waterproofing method is characterized by its low cost, but it has a major drawback which is rust. These metals rust and corrode when exposed to water for long periods.

3- Asphalt insulation:

This material is formed and used in the form of three asphalt panels and asphalt rolls or unmodified hard asphalt. Asphalt has advantages and disadvantages, including that it is the cheapest insulating material and has a great ability to resist water and heat, but one of its disadvantages is that it does not last long and causes cracks and water leakage.

4- Wooden panels:

It is also used in cold countries and placed diagonally, but the wood is not fire-resistant, and this is a major disadvantage in its use.

The chemicals are:

There are many chemicals that are used in waterproofing, and these materials are as follows:

1- Insulation with foam or (polyurethane):

It is sprayed on surfaces, and one of its most important benefits is that it isolates the smallest hard-to-reach places compared to other types of insulation, as this type is 100% water-resistant and it is recommended to paint an acrylic layer over it to protect it from UV rays.

This type of waterproofing and thermal insulation lasts for almost twenty years.

2- Liquid bitumen insulation:

It is a manufactured chemical and one of its great advantages is that it deals with all types of surfaces, whether they are flat, zigzag or have defects. This material is poured and fills all the spaces to be isolated, and it is also possible to be resistant to insects and fungi.

3- Polyethylene insulation:

It is an easy-to-use type that comes in the form of a black tarpaulin and is not more than 46 cm thick. The polyethylene insulation is light, does not create a heavy load on the roofs, and is flexible and suitable for old buildings with roofs that do not bear significant loads, have zigzag lines or problems or disparity

4- Brick insulation:

It's a burnt clay or pottery material that you often see in those red-roofed European-style homes. This material is placed on the roofs diagonally to slide water or snow off of in cold-weather countries.

What distinguishes this type of waterproofing is that it is not affected by moisture and water, and its color can be changed with paints to give an aesthetic view.

Any type of thermal insulation for roofs that suits the shape and design of your home is chosen, and it must also fit the budget specified for this matter.

Damage caused by moisture (water seepage):

  • Water leaks cause many serious problems, the most important of which are:
  • Water intrusion is the cause of metal corrosion as in metal structures and rebar.
  • Water leakage is the reason for the separation of the wall from the structure of the building, which affects the external appearance in general.
  • Water leakage causes damage to the electricity networks and, consequently, power outages.
  • Water leakage is the cause of deformation of buildings.
  • Water leakage causes the tiles to separate from the walls and floors.
  • Water leaks cause paint damage, putty cracks, and yellowing walls and ceilings.

moisture sources

There are two types of moisture sources, internal sources and internal sources.

indoor moisture sources

It is the extensions of water, sewage and irrigation water for indoor ornamental plants, swimming pools and condensation resulting from various human activities such as breathing, cooking and washing clothes.

External moisture sources

Rain: Rain can penetrate the roof of the house as well as walls, through openings, cracks, and any unsealed expansion joints.

Wet wind: Wind can allow moisture to enter a home through exterior walls and unclosed outlets.

Groundwater: Infiltrated groundwater is found around the building via walls and floors.